Ruby June Glamour - Painted by Alexa Meade - Photo by Ruby June - 2.jpg

Living Portraits

Alexa Meade’s groundbreaking portraits transform people into mesmerizing, living works of art. By painting directly onto her subjects, she transforms three-dimensional figures into what appear to be two-dimensional images.

Limited edition prints are available for select works. For more information on collecting Alexa's art or commissioning a portrait, please contact

"Looking at photographs of her work, you may struggle to remind yourself that what you’re seeing is not, in fact, a painting, but a person painted."

Ruby June being painted by Alexa Meade - Photo by Ruby June.jpg

“Lushly hypnotic”

Ariana Grande, Pop Star

“It was so fun n i loved the colors so much the artist who did it is named Alexa Meade. she's so incredible” 

Halle Berry, Academy Award-winner

“Dying to get my own living portrait done by this dope female artist”

“Paint us into her canvas”

Street art models Adrian Richardson and Chris Stewart painted by Alexa Meade, photo by Ruby June.jpg

Living Street Art

"Alexa Meade makes paintings that breathe. The Los Angeles-based artist creates mind-boggling works of art on a walking, talking canvas: humans. ​She paints directly onto the bodies and faces of models, using brushstrokes and shadows to camouflage figures into their background, turning a 3D scene into a 2D image."

“She paints on people around the world who become part of the urban landscape as living street art. The photographs of the ephemeral painting performances hang on the walls of galleries and museums.”

“A dynamic work of art that evolves as we gasp and giggle into newly awakened consciousness.”

"In the words of French artist Edgar Degas, 'art is not what you see but what you make others see.' Nearly 100 years after Degas' death, Los Angeles artist Alexa Meade is finding new ways to bring that vision to life by using people as her canvas."

“Look at the eyes, though. Bam. Real person. This effect jars people, confuses them, briefly rattles their grasp of art, space and reality.”

"The portraits look as if they should be hanging in a gallery. Only the unpainted areas – hair and eyes – reveal the optical illusion."

Commissioned Portraits

To commission a portrait from Alexa Meade or to join the volunteer model waiting list, please contact

What it feels like being turned into
a living work of art 

Richie Ridge, Broadway World

"I started to feel a hypnotic relaxation and a freeing sensation throughout my body of any inhibitions and in my mind I had visuals of wild colors swirling through my imagination and when it was all done, and I saw myself in the mirror, I was truly astonished."

Gus Birney, Broadway Actor

“When I saw myself with all the colors and textures pouring out of me, it felt like my heart had exploded outside of me, like all the fire and feeling inside myself had somehow landed on my skin and I had bloomed like a flower. She painted me on the outside how I feel on the inside, an explosion of color and feeling.”

Ilana Woldenberg, Rolling Stone Journalist

"Even though I was covered in paint, I felt a certain level of freedom that I've never felt before, to exist and play and move and be… unafraid to be different and stand out."

“Meade’s striking visuals respond to the challenge of… connection and unique self-expression”